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COL@MIL: Peralta makes barehanded snag for the out
SF@MIL: Peralta knocks down comebacker, fires for out
STL@CIN: Peralta makes out with nice barehanded play
Aviles uses his bare hand to rob Marisnick
MIL@COL: Peralta strikes out Descalso in the 6th
2012/09/10 Peralta's barehanded play
MIL@ATL: Parra goes for the barehanded catch
ATL@NYM: Murphy retires Simmons with barehanded play
LAD@MIL: Peralta deflects grounder to Segura for out
Tolliver makes bare-handed snag
STL@PHI: Peralta makes a barehanded play to nab Byrd
COL@SF: Parra robs Duffy with running catch